5 Books That Will Rock Your World

Get your read on
Growing up I was never much of a reader.
Then one day I started reading something or other (It was the Lord of the Rings series). I haven’t stopped since.
Whether about religion, self-help, or just a good ol’ story, I’ve found that reading is a great way to improve myself.
The idea of combining two of my favorite things just seems right. That’s where books about exercise and nutrition come in.
These are five books that I found to be very helpful.
Body for Life – If you’re looking for an outta-the-box system that includes exercise and diet to follow, you really can’t go wrong with Body for Life.
When Becca and I started on our fitness journey, it was BFL that was to blame fed us the information needed.
The 4-Hour Body – This book has been all the rage since it came out. If you’re a fan of The 4-Hour Work Week, you’ll probably enjoy this one, as it was penned by the same author, Tim Ferris.
There is some good info in The 4-Hour body. There’s also some questionable content as well. I wouldn’t recommend following everything in here, but it’s still worth the read.
Total Training for Young Champions – I am in love with this book. Being the father of two teenagers, and Becca having trained a number of middle school kids, fitness for young adults is one of our passions.
If you have a young person in your life, this book lays out a safe, and smart way of increasing overall fitness. The book can be used by an adult to layout a program, or the person wanting to achieve athletic fitness.
It’s really for student athletes, but I think it can be applied to any young man or woman that wants to achieve fitness.
You Are Your Own Gym – You can not go wrong with bodyweight exercise. You can do it anywhere, with no equipment.
Mark Lauren is no joke! He’s an certified Military Physical Training Specialist, SpecOps Combat Controller, triathlete, and competitive Thai boxer.
Bottom line, this guy is extreme, and knows his stuff. This is an awesome book on the topic, and I highly recommend it.
The Primal Blueprint -If you haven’t heard of the Paleo Diet, you may have just awoke from a 10-year coma, or perhaps have been stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific.
The idea is simple; eat like the caveman ate. You don’t have to live in a cave, just use the principals that fed paleolithic man. That means no refined grains, and sticking to meats, fruits and veggies when you’re hungry.
Mark Sisson is one of the go-to guys on the topic. Honestly, at the time that I write this, I don’t know all of the ins and outs of the Paleo diet. But, in the very near future, as I learn more about the topic, Mark is the guy that I’ll be bugging.
Ready. Set. Read!
There you have it, five great books that cover a large section of the fitness world. You really can’t go wrong with any one of these.
Photo: Peter Mazurek
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November 4, 2011 at 8:13 am
What a great list of books! I’m familiar with the first two but haven’t heard of or read the rest so thanks for bringing them to my attention.
Melinda´s last [type] ..Hello world!
November 4, 2011 at 8:34 am
@Melinda, You’re welcome. I’m a huge fan of ‘You Are Your Own Gym’, and highly recommend it.
There’s another one that I’m trying to get a copy of, but I don’t want to review/recommend it until I’ve read it.